

Czesław Sadkowski

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University. In 2003, he was entered into the list of legal advisors at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Opole. In 2004 he completed postgraduate studies in European Law at the European School of Law and Administration in Warsaw, and in 2014 he completed postgraduate LLM in International Commercial Law at the Leon Koźmiński Academy in Warsaw.

Since 2004, he has been the owner of a law firm and since 2012 (as a result of the in-kind contribution of the entire company) a general partner and managing partner in Sadkowski i Wspólnicy sp. k, which specialises in comprehensive legal services for large business entities with Polish and foreign capital. Since November 2014, he has been a member of the management board at TYR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. He is also currently a member of the Supervisory Board at Unimot Express sp.z.o.o.. In addition, he is a member of the management and supervisory bodies and co-owner of numerous companies. The activity of entities related to Mr Czesław Władysław Sadkowski is not a competitive activity in relation to the operations performed by UNIMOT S.A.