
UNIMOT News Extension of the deadline for the publication of information on the final settlement of the acquisition of shares in Lotos Terminale S.A. (currently: Unimot Terminale Sp. z o.o.)

Extension of the deadline for the publication of information on the final settlement of the acquisition of shares in Lotos Terminale S.A. (currently: Unimot Terminale Sp. z o.o.)

Report nr: 5/2024 Date of publication: 05.04.2024 / 16:25


With reference to Current Reports No. 22/2023 of 8 August 2023 and No. 24/2023 of 11 September 2023, the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A., with its registered office in Zawadzkie (the “Issuer”), announces the need to extend the deadline for the publication of information on the final settlement of the transaction for the acquisition of shares in Lotos Terminale S.A. (currently: Unimot Terminale Sp. z o.o.), originally planned until 7 April 2024.

The change in the publication date is due to the non-completion, by the date of publication of this Current Report, of the settlement of the transaction for the acquisition of Lotos Terminale S.A. (currently: Unimot Terminale Sp. z o.o.) and subsidiaries of Lotos Terminale S.A.: Uni-Bitumen Sp. z o.o. (now: Unimot Bitumen Sp. z o.o.) and Lotos Infrastruktura S.A. (currently: Unimot Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o.) together with its subsidiary RCEkoenergia Sp. z o.o. The Issuer will provide information on the final outcome of the settlement of the transaction in a current report when it is determined, but no later than before the publication of the annual report for 2023.

At the same time, the Management Board reminds that the future recognition of the bargain purchase profit in the financial statements will be a non-recurring and solely non-cash accounting event. Therefore, both the Adjusted EBITDA (i.e. the EBITDA adjusted for the estimated valuation of the compulsory reserves of liquid and gaseous fuels, justified time-shifting of costs and revenues and non-recurring events) and the basis for calculating the dividend value will not include this accounting item in the future. Consequently, the postponement of the reporting of the final value of the bargain purchase profit will also have no impact on the company’s cash and operating position or its dividend policy.

Legal basis:

Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (MAR Regulation)

Persons representing the Company:

Filip Kuropatwa, Vice-President of the Management Board

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