
UNIMOT News Notification of a change in the number of votes at the general meeting of UNIMOT S.A. by Zbigniew Juroszek Family Foundation together with the parent entity and related parties, and of the indirect acquisition of shares by Zbigniew Juroszek

Notification of a change in the number of votes at the general meeting of UNIMOT S.A. by Zbigniew Juroszek Family Foundation together with the parent entity and related parties, and of the indirect acquisition of shares by Zbigniew Juroszek

Report nr: 2/2024 Date of publication: 10.01.2024 / 21:16


The Management Board of Unimot S.A., with its registered office in Zawadzkie (the “Issuer”) announces that on 10 January 2024 it received notifications submitted pursuant to Article 69(1)(1) and Article 69a(1)(3) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies (Journal of Laws 2022.2554 of 9 December 2022, as amended, the “Act”) on the acquisition on 8 January 2024 of 149,900 shares in Unimot S.A., which resulted in exceeding 5% of the total number of votes in Unimot S.A. by Zbigniew Juroszek Family Foundation jointly with the parent entity and related parties.

In total, the Issuer received two notifications related to the aforementioned transaction, i.e.:

(a) from Zbigniew Juroszek Family Foundation on the exceeding of 5% of the total number of votes in Unimot S.A. by this Foundation together with its parent company and related parties,

b) from Zbigniew Juroszek on indirect acquisition of shares in Unimot S.A.

The notifications are annexed to this current report.

Legal basis:

art. 70 para. 1 of the Act on Offering

Persons representing the Company:

Filip Kuropatwa, Wiceprezes Zarządu

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