
UNIMOT News Recommendation on distribution of profit for 2023

Recommendation on distribution of profit for 2023

Report nr: 8/2024 Date of publication: 23.04.2024 / 21:26


The Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. with its registered office in Zawadzkie (the “Issuer”) announces that, having analysed the financial situation of the Issuer, on 23 April 2024 it took the decision to recommend to the Ordinary General Meeting of the Issuer (the “OGM”) the distribution of the Issuer’s net profit for 2023 in the amount of PLN 45 039 491 40 gr as follows:

  1. to allocate the profit of PLN 32 791 272 00 gr to the payment of dividend to the Issuer’s Shareholders, i.e. the amount of PLN 4.0 per share,


  2. to allocate profit of PLN 12 248 219 40 gr to the Issuer’s supplementary capital.

In addition, the Issuer’s Supervisory Board, at its meeting on 23 April 2024, positively considered the proposal of the Issuer’s Management Board regarding the distribution of net profit referred to above.

At the same time, the Issuer announces that the Management Board’s dividend recommendation is in line with the Issuer’s dividend policy, which the Issuer announced in Current Report No. 12/2023 of 20 April 2023. In addition, the basis for calculating the dividend does not include the gain from the bargain purchase of shares in LOTOS Terminals S.A., which the Issuer announced in Current Report No. 6/2024 of 19 April 2024, due to its accounting, non-cash and non-recurring nature.

Final decisions on the distribution of profit for the 2023 financial year and the setting of dividend and dividend payment dates will be taken by the OGM.

Legal basis:

Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (MAR Regulation)

Persons representing the Company:

Filip Kuropatwa, Vice-President of the Management Board

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