
UNIMOT News Supplementary information on the final settlement of the acquisition of shares in LOTOS Terminale S.A. (currently: UNIMOT Terminale sp. z o.o.)

Supplementary information on the final settlement of the acquisition of shares in LOTOS Terminale S.A. (currently: UNIMOT Terminale sp. z o.o.)

Report nr: 7/2024 Date of publication: 23.04.2024 / 17:19


With reference to the Current Report No. 6/2024 of 19 April 2024, the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. with its registered office in Zawadzkie (the “Issuer”) announces that, as part of the ongoing work on the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for 2023, a circumstance has been identified that does not affect the final settlement of the transaction for the acquisition of shares in LOTOS Terminale, but has a substantial impact on the presentation of this result.

The Management Board reminds that the bargain purchase profit stood at PLN 435 million, of which:

  1. The fair value of the acquisition consideration of £390 million, including funds paid on the date of acquisition: PLN 267 million and discounted estimate of contingent payment: PLN 123 million,
  2. The fair value of the assets acquired in the amount of PLN 1,285 million, including fixed assets: PLN 956 million and current assets: PLN 329 million;
  3. The value of acquired liabilities in the amount of PLN 460 million;

The Issuer’s Management Board, in a supplement to the Current Report No. 6/2024 of 19 April 2024, indicates that the estimate of the conditional payment related to the mechanism for calculating the surcharge for the acquired shares in LOTOS Terminals in undiscounted terms amounted to PLN 245 million, in discounted terms to PLN 123 million.

Details of the final settlement of the LOTOS Terminale share purchase transaction will be presented in the consolidated financial statements for 2023.

Legal basis:

Article 17(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse (MAR Regulation)

Persons representing the Company:

Filip Kuropatwa, Vice-President of the Management Board

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