
UNIMOT News UNIMOT goes up by 169 places on the list of 500 by Rzeczpospolita

UNIMOT goes up by 169 places on the list of 500 by Rzeczpospolita


UNIMOT S.A. was ranked 226th out of all companies in Poland by the revenues achieved in the year 2015 – that is what shows this year’s list of 500 biggest companies prepared by “Rzeczpospolita”. This is a rise by 169 places with relation to the data for the year 2014.

  Recent years have meant a very dynamic growth for UNIMOT and a very high dynamism of growth on the side of revenues and profits. In 2015 revenues of the UNIMOT Capital Group  rose by 105% with relation to the previous year and amounted almost PLN 1,4 billion, while the net profit of the Group rose by over 270% and reached PLN 12,5 million – says Małgorzata Garncarek, the Financial Director and Member of the Board of UNIMOT S.A. – This year’s 226th place on the list of 500 biggest companies in Poland is a great honour for us, but also a challenge to achieve better results for the year 2016 – adds Mrs Garncarek.

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