
UNIMOT News Unimot Group and its subsidiary RCEkoenergia were partners of the XXI edition of the POWERPOL National Power & Heat Congress

Unimot Group and its subsidiary RCEkoenergia were partners of the XXI edition of the POWERPOL National Power & Heat Congress


On the 19th and 20th of February 2024, the XXI edition of the POWERPOL National Power & Heat Congress took place, bringing together specialists, decision-makers, and energy industry representatives from all over Poland. The event partners included Unimot Group, represented by Robert Brzozowski – Vice President of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs, and its subsidiary RCEkoenergia, represented by Włodzimierz Popielewski – President of the Management Board of RCEkoenergia.

This year’s edition was held under the theme ” Current state energy policy towards raw material and legislative challenges in Europe”. During the Congress, experts discussed issues such as the impact of the geopolitical environment on the Polish power sector and the range of remedial actions allowing for a controlled exit from the raw material impasse caused by the war in Ukraine.

Robert Brzozowski – Vice President of the Management Board for Commercial Affairs of the Unimot Group, during the panel “Strategies of Polish market leaders – updating goals,” discussed the diversification of fuel supply routes to Poland after the outbreak of war and drew attention to the challenges facing the Polish and global fuel markets in 2024.

During the discussion dedicated to the heat market and cogeneration, Włodzimierz Popielewski – President of the Management Board of RCEkoenergia, emphasized that in the new business strategy of the Unimot Group, a significant place will be occupied by the development of the heat sector, leveraging the competencies and innovative solutions provided by RCEkoenergia.

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