
UNIMOT News UNIMOT implements its issuance goal and starts the Tankuj24 application

UNIMOT implements its issuance goal and starts the Tankuj24 application


UNIMOT S.A., the company quoted in the main floor of Warsaw Stock Exchange, has just started its announced application Tankuj24, thanks to which Polish drivers can buy fuel at lower prices. This is an implementation of the promise made to the shareholders at the issuance of new package of Company’s shares. The Tankuj24 application is the first such application in Europe.

The Tankuj24 application was presented during the XXIV International Petrol Station Fair taking place in Warsaw, the biggest event in the industry. Thanks to the application Polish drivers will pay less for each type of fuel available at the station. Apart from saving money on each litre of fuel the application allows to compare prices at petrol stations, offers a convenient mobile payment through a renowned operator and one collective invoice for all the purchases within the given month. The application can already be downloaded into smartphones and tablets from App Store and Google Play.

Starting the Tankuj24 application we enter the mobile channel of fuel sales as the first company in Poland. We are convinced that being a pioneer in this field will let us achieve a strategic advantage over the rest of the fuel industry entities. Additionally, the Tankuj24 application allows us to reach directly retail clients and develop sales for a new group of recipients, as previously our business was based on wholesale clients – comments Mr Robert Brzozowski, the President of the Board of UNIMOT S.A.

The purchase of fuel through the application consist in 3 simple steps.  Driver choose from the map the station which cooperates with Tankuj24 and offers best price, then they book a particular amount of fuel, making a mobile payment for the purchase. The last step is visiting the station within 24 hours from the moment of booking and filling up the vehicle.

Tankuj24 means also new possibilities of development for petrol stations, which previously only conducted sales of fuels in the traditional way. The application ensures the partner stations an access to a new, mobile sales channel and acquiring new clients. This in turn will be reflected in the increased volume of sold fuel and higher sales of all products and services offered at the station. It is also relevant, from the point of view of station owners, that Tankuj24 covers the cost of commission from transactions of fuel purchased through the application. The petrol stations joining the Tankuj24 will also receive marketing support from the Company. At the moment of launch the application cooperates with petrol stations in a few selected cities in Poland, among others: Częstochowa, Kraków, Szczecin and Tri-city.

Everyday new stations join the Tankuj24 and we sign partner agreements with them, thanks to which we are developing very dynamically. Our goal is to cover the key regions of Poland until the end of the year. We put pressure on acquiring stations located along motorways, where prices of fuel are the highest and where we can potentially offer Polish drivers highest discounts – emphasizes President Brzozowski.

According to UNIMOT, Tankuj24 offers international potential, and the ambition of the company is to create the English application Refuel24, which would be used by drivers across Europe.

The link to the film presenting the application:

The website:

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