
UNIMOT News UNIMOT suspends Tankuj24

UNIMOT suspends Tankuj24


According to the adopted strategy of operation for the years 2018-2023, which assumes operating costs optimisation, the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. has analysed the project of the mobile application Tankuj24 with regard to its profitability. Following the analysis, the Management Board of the Company has decided to temporarily suspend the project until a larger demand for this type of service appears on the market.

The Tankuj24 application, which was launched in May 2017 enabled online purchases of fuels, with the possibility of collecting it on the selected station within 24 hours since the transaction was completed. Additionally, the application included a price engine that allowed for comparing prices of fuels at particular stations that had joined the project. This provided the customers with a possibility to purchase fuels at best prices, which were always lower by a few groszy than on the pylon. The network of stations that belonged to the project included about 100 partners, including all AVIA petrol stations.

–  Tankuj24 is an innovative project, which was the first solution of this kind in Poland. During the 15 months in which the application was functioning it was downloaded over 60 thousand times – claims Mr Adam Sikorski, President of the Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. – Unfortunately, only a small number of the customers using the application purchased the fuels online, which did not cover the costs of its operation. This state of affairs was caused by the fact that application users expected it to cover the area of the whole territory of Poland, that is biggest fuel concerns participating in the project. However, these concerns treated the application as a competitive solution and were unwilling to participate inn the project. For this reason, we have decided to temporarily suspend the functioning of Tankuj24. Maybe in the future the need to purchase fuels through mobile applications will increase on the Polish market, then we will reactivate the project, adjusting it to the current needs of the customers – adds Mr Adam Sikorski.

At the end of 2017, independently from the Tankuj24 application, the application AVIA Petrol Stations appeared on the market, which was launched by the AVIA International Association with its registered office in Switzerland. This application presents stations that belong to the AVIA chain in the whole territory of Europe, including the ones in Poland, accompanied by a navigation to them and information on the offer and services available at each of them. As the functionalities of the AVIA Petrol Stations application partially duplicate the ones offered in the Tankuj24 project, maybe in the future both projects will be merged and a new, attractive solution for the petrol station customers will appear on the market.

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