
Preliminary estimated selected financial data for Q1 2024

  • Report: 10/2024
  • Date of publication:10.05.2024 / 18:18
  • Pdf report

The Management Board of UNIMOT S.A. (the “Issuer”), with its registered office in Zawadzkie, announces that, having analysed and verified the preliminary estimated selected financial data for Q1 2024 (the “Preliminary Data”), it has decided to publish them as confidential information.


The consolidated Preliminary Data for Q1 2024 are as follows.:

  • Total revenue: PLN 2,950 million,
  • EBITDA (i.e. earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation and amortisation): PLN 71.0 million,
  • Adjusted EBITDA (i.e. EBITDA adjusted for estimated valuation of compulsory reserves of liquid and gaseous fuels, justified time-shifting of costs and revenues and non-recurring events): PLN 43.2 million.


The comparable consolidated data for Q1 2023 are as follows.:

  • Total revenue: PLN 3 279 million,

 EBITDA: PLN 114.6 million,

 Adjusted EBITDA: PLN 104.9 million.


The adjusted consolidated EBITDA in Q1 2024 was primarily driven by the following factors:

  • the diesel segment in Q1 2024 operated in a market environment that did not allow to achieve – on this product – satisfactory margins. Although, from the end of 2023 onwards, domestic diesel quotations were above the levels observed in the second half of 2023, they still did not ensure the achievement of the expected financial results. Part of the erosion of the result from diesel trading was offset by the additional EBITDA achieved from the trading of petrol, bio-fuels and heating oil,
  • positive contribution of the assets acquired in 2023, i.e. Olavion sp. z o.o., Unimot Commodities sp. z o.o., Unimot Terminale sp. z o.o., Unimot Infrastruktura sp. z o.o., Unimot Bitumen sp. z o.o., RCEkoenergia sp. z o.o. and Unimot Aviation sp. z o.o., to EBITDA Adjusted at PLN 14.5 million in Q1 2024,
  • the UNIMOT Group’s results were positively influenced by the activities of the natural gas segment, which carried out gas deliveries contracted in previous periods, when prices for this product were at higher levels. This segment achieved an Adjusted EBITDA of PLN 17.5 million in Q1,
  • achieving in Q1 2024 a sales volume of 476,000 m3 of diesel, petrol and bio-fuels (down by 11 per cent year-on-year) and increasing sales of LPG by 1 per cent year-on-year to 72,000 tonnes.


The Preliminary Data presented have been prepared on the basis of preliminary financial data available to the Issuer’s Management Board for the first quarter of 2024.The estimates have been made to the best knowledge of the Management Board as at the date of their preparation, but may differ from the final data which will be published in the condensed consolidated financial statements prepared as at 31 March 2024.

Legal basis:

art. 17 ust. 1 Rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) nr 596/2014 z dnia 16 kwietnia 2014 r. w sprawie nadużyć na rynku (Rozporządzenie MAR)

Persons representing the Company:

Filip Kuropatwa, Vice-President of the Management Board